Glove Guard LP

Glove Guard LP
1625 E. Houston St
Highlands, Tx 77562

Safety is important. In fact, it is a science. Yet, the main elements of safety are quite simple: preparedness and awareness. Glove Guard LP is committed to providing quality products that meet the basic need of keeping up with required personal protective equipment so that workers are prepared. Products like the Glove Guard® and Utility Guard® glove clips have a proven record of keeping gloves with the worker and, as a result, glove loss and hand injuries have been reduced because gloves are readily available.

We are aware that work environments and safety standards are continually changing, and our strategy has been to listen to people as they’ve shared their needs for specific safety solutions. In response, we have developed, adapted, and manufactured unique products to meet those needs. As we proceed into the future, we aspire to continue to listen, innovate, and manufacture unique solutions that play a part in achieving safer work environments for all.

Glove Guard LP has a dedicated staff of personnel who genuinely care and are ready to assist both direct and indirect customers in all industries, yet we only sell through distribution. We manufacture products but aim to never lose sight of people.