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“Brand” New Warehouse Signs

David Grundy, ASG Services, LLC

Warehouse signs, the functional, simple and often forgotten essential of the storage and distribution industry, have just been brought to the fore with a “brand” new boost by ASG Services.

While retaining all the key performance benefits of functional signage, ASG is moving the benchmark once again, by giving customers the ability to include their company logos and other corporate messages on their warehouse signs—without making them an expensive desirable.

Working closely with customers has given ASG the opportunity to provide a diverse range of product variations. More recently, customers working on their flagship operations have incorporated company branding with images, colors and logos on their facility and location signs. Aisle signs, hanging barcode signs, safety signs and way-finding placards are increasingly used by customers. Such signage can help to reaffirm brand identity and professional appearance for a positive visitor impact, as well as encourage employee engagement and productivity gains through pride of association.

Every storage and distribution facility uses identification labels and signs to help their teams identify positions in the facility. Changes in materials, technology and system requirements have helped shape signs’ design and performance capabilities over the years.

Warehouse signs can now be found in angled forms with multi-direction faces; others which can show content in the dark; and those which can be scanned at over 60ft—not to mention safety placards of limitless design. Yet none are powered or require proprietary hardware to install. The basic, low-cost principles on R&D have remained, resulting in high-performing and cost-effective solutions.

ASG’s latest offering has been developed on the same principle, to offer the customer more without major consequence.

With no limitations in design, thanks to a full-color production range, customers can order any face size up to 4ft x 8ft, which is much bigger than most functional one-piece warehouse signs. Almost any base material that is 4in or less can be used, giving ASG and their customers the creative freedom to change the face of their operation and industry norms.

A general increase in demand and the number of sites where customers are improving visible management tools with corporate ID was the initiator for significant investment by ASG Services. Ultraviolet-resistant and high-definition print technology now takes center stage in the sign production area at ASG Services, which is already generating eye-catching signs that look familiar but are more impressive.

Geoff Henderson, National Sales Executive at ASG Services said, “We always try to give the customer more, but on this occasion, it was a matter of meeting their demands faster and with a higher quality assurance.”

ASG Services location-identification products and line-striping solutions have been developed in-house using the latest technology and production techniques. Self-sufficient production has always given ASG the edge in response times, which Henderson said “…is crucial; customers understandably have lots to deal with, particularly on the larger projects. We’re usually under great pressure to move quickly, so go-live dates are achieved and customers can be start using their investment, since our products are often the last to be installed.”

Henderson went onto say, “It’s a great thing for ASG Services and our customers. The equipment we’ve invested in can print to almost any material, so who knows what we’ll be making in 12 months’ time?  One thing is for sure: Our solution options and customer satisfaction will increase significantly.” WMHS

For more information on their “brand” new products and their warehouse identification and marking solutions, contact ASG Services on (877) 447-9798 or visit

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