Does your Organization use Conveyor Belts?
While conveyor belts are integral facets of the distribution process and most warehouses could not function without them, they also pose the potential to cause serious injuries and sometimes even fatalities. In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that over 40 workplace fatalities a year are the result of conveyor accidents, along with 9,000 injuries.
Does your organization use valve safety trains?
Valve safety trains are critical to the operation of combustion systems. Despite being used in thousands of industrial facilities, awareness of their purpose and function may be absent because onsite training is minimal or informal. To many employees on the plant floor, this series of valves, piping, wires and switches is too complex to take the time to understand. What is known can be dangerously misunderstood.
Understanding fuel-fired equipment, especially the valve safety train, is necessary to prevent potential explosions, injuries and property damage. The truth is, although valve safety trains are required to be checked regularly, they are rarely inspected, especially when maintenance budgets are cut. While codes require training, they offer very little in terms of specific directions.
Rockford Systems,
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