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FANUC America Demonstrates its Award-Winning Zero Down Time (ZDT) Industrial IoT Solution

FANUC America, the leading supplier of robotics, CNCs and ROBOMACHINEs will demonstrate its award-winning Zero Down Time (ZDT) Industrial IoT solution at Automate 2019 in Chicago, Booth #7540.

At Automate, FANUC welcomes visitors to an all-new augmented reality (AR) experience featuring a variety of manufacturing situations where ZDT can help. The experience will include six common manufacturing challenges printed on two graphic display panels that simulate manufacturing facilities.  Each story will have a 3D image with markers that connect to a mobile APP.

“The value of ZDT applies to every manufacturer,” said Joe Gazzarato, director of engineering, ZDT Product Development, FANUC America.  “No matter what industry you’re in, the prospect of maintaining consistent production uptime and reducing costs equates to a competitive advantage – which is what ZDT offers our customers.”

ZDT’s predictive analytics have already saved millions of dollars by preventing unexpected down time in the automotive industry.  Now, small to medium-sized manufacturers are realizing there is even more to ZDT than down time avoidance.  In addition to reducing unexpected down time, ZDT allows users to maximize production throughput, optimize maintenance costs, increase the life of their robots, and access data from anywhere via the ZDT web portal.

Since its introduction in 2015, ZDT analytics have successfully identified potential equipment issues, and notified customers to take corrective actions and avoid unexpected down time in over 600 cases, saving companies more than $75 Million.

Access FANUC’s ZDT Augmented Reality experience in three easy steps:

  • Download the ZDT Experience brochure to your PC or laptop.
  • Text ZDT28 to 43506 to download and install the ZDT Augmented Realty APP.
  • Scan each interactive element to learn how ZDT can help maximize your efficiency.

About FANUC America Corporation

FANUC America Corporation is a subsidiary of FANUC CORPORATION in Japan, and provides industry-leading robotics, CNC systems, and factory automation.  FANUC’s innovative technologies and proven expertise help manufacturers in the Americas maximize productivity, reliability and profitability.

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