The Newest Bulwark FR Quiz Name Email Which of the following solvents may safely be used with FR workwear? DEET Liquid Detergent Dryer Sheets Liquid Fabric Softener None The purpose of flame-resistant clothing is to: Prevent workers from encountering thermal events Protect companies from lawsuits Protect workers during thermal events by self-extinguishing Put out flash fires at the source None What is an arc flash? A dangerous release of energy created by an electrical fault in open air from phase to phase or phase to ground contact An explosion that results when an ignition source contacts a fuel such as combustible dust or ignitable gas or vapor A flame that leaps up and over a subject, then continues burning anything else in its path Ultraviolet light that flashes during a thermal event, causing temporary or permanent blindness None Can you use Non-FR Emblems on FR Clothing? Yes No None Time's up Sponsored By: