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ANSI MH16.3-2016: Specification for the Design, Testing and Utilization of Industrial Steel Cantilevered Storage Racks

“Until 2016, there was not a Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) standard that pertained to the design of cantilevered storage racks. The creation of this standard assists Steel King, and other members of the RMI that manufacture cantilevered storage racks, in the design of it. The standard is referenced by the building codes.” Steel King Industries, Inc., 800-826-0203,

Cantilever racks are useful in facilities that need heavy-duty storage for bulky, lengthy or awkward items, like lumber, PVC or furniture. Vertical supports are positioned only at the rear of the structure, so that it is more accessible than a conventional rack. Reconfigurable arms that support the loads can be straight (for stable objects) or inclined (for items that might roll, like pipes). Another advantage of cantilever racks is that they can be used indoors or outdoors. Because of the weight of the items they store, cantilever racks must be strong, stable and durable.

ANSI MH16.3-2016, which was developed under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Canvass method and approved by ANSI on October 8, 2015, represents suggested design practices and operational requirements for cantilevered storage racks. It was developed by MHI, along with the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), one of its Industry Groups. RMI is comprised of companies that supply industrial steel storage racks and related structural systems. This standard is the result of RMI’s recognition of the need to standardize performance, and design criteria for the proper utilization of cantilevered storage racks, and was formulated under MHI procedures approved by ANSI.

ANSI MH16.3-2016 is intended to provide useful information and guidance for owners, users, designers, purchasers or specifiers of material handling equipment or systems. It is advisory only and should only be regarded as a simple tool that its intended audience may or may not choose to follow, adopt, modify or reject. A standard may be part of, but does not constitute a comprehensive safety program that cannot guard against pitfalls in operating, selecting and purchasing cantilevered storage racks, and should not be relied upon as such. Such a program should be developed by a qualified professional. The use of this and other ANSI standards is voluntary.

What the Standard Covers

© Дарья Воронцова –

ANSI MH16.3-2016 applies to free-standing and top-tied cantilevered storage racks made of cold-formed or hot-rolled structural steel members. It also covers cantilevered storage racks with accessories, such as decked shelves, shed roofs and canopies. Its applicability to cantilevered storage racks made from either hot-rolled or cold-formed steel is limited.

Included in the Standard

GENERAL – ANSI MH16.3-2016
provides information and recommendations about applicable design specifications; integrity of rack installations (owner maintenance; plaque; conformance; load application and rack configuration drawings; multiple configurations; small installations: column base plates, column base, column-base beams and anchor bolts; rack damage; racks connected to the building structure; plumbness tolerance; vertical tolerance of arm positions).

LOADING – Load combinations for the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Method; load factors and combinations for the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Method; vertical loads (free-standing cantilevered columns and top-tied cantilevered columns); impact loads (impact downward, impact upward); horizontal forces; wind loads; earthquake forces (general, equivalent lateral force method, displacement-based method: concurrent forces); snow loads and other loads.

DESIGN – procedures

DESIGN OF STEEL ELEMENTS AND MEMBERS – Cold-formed steel columns (properties of sections; design for flexure; design for compression; built-up members from cold-formed sections; truss-type members from cold-formed sections); hot-rolled steel columns (built-up members from hot-rolled sections and truss-type members from hot-rolled sections); combined compression and bending; column splices and splices.

CANTILEVER ARM DESIGN – General, analysis, bending moments, deflection and connection design.

CANTILEVER COLUMN DESIGN – General; effective length design method; non-top tied cross-aisle direction; top tied cross-aisle direction; down-aisle direction; alternate design method; direct analysis method; application of the direct analysis method; capacity; compression flange bracing; cross-aisle deflection; free-standing cantilevered columns; top-tied cantilevered columns; torsional restraint.

CANTILEVER BRACING DESIGN – Brace members in the down-aisle direction and their connection to the columns.

COLUMN-TO-BASE CONNECTIONS, COLUMN BASES AND BASE PLATES – General; connections; column base and base plates; slab and subgrade evaluation; anchor bolts (anchor bolt design and periodic inspection of anchor bolt installation).


TEST METHODS – General testing procedures (test procedure, test results evaluation); perforated stub-column test (test specimen and procedure, evaluation of test results); column-to-base connection test (strength and stiffness, test setup); cyclic test of column-to-base beam connections (general, definitions, test sub-assemblage requirements, essential test variables, testing procedure, material testing requirements, test reporting requirements, acceptance criteria; evaluation of test results; arm connection test (strength and stiffness, test setup; test procedure, and evaluation of test results).

For More Information

ANSI MH16.3-2016 is available at:

For information about MHI’s Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI), visit WMHS

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