Emergency Eyewash & Shower Equipment: ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014
Emergency eyewash stations, as well as shower equipment, are addressed by ANSI/ISEA Z358.1-2014: American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment. This standard, written and published by the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA), an ANSI-accredited standards developing organization, establishes minimum performance and use guidelines for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of someone who has been exposed to hazardous materials.
Regarding personnel safety, there are multiple factors to take into account when handling hazardous materials in factories, laboratories or other workplaces. Emergency showers and eyewash stations need to remain visible, easily accessible and reliable. They are a final level of protection, in many cases, as they can sufficiently combat any chemicals or other hazardous materials that may make contact with one’s eyes or body.
OSHA regulations address emergency eyewash and shower equipment in 29 CFR 1910.151. Specifically, 1910.151(c) states: “Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use.” However, this is the only federal requirement for emergency eyewash and shower equipment. OSHA has often referred employers to ANSI Z358.1 as a recognized source of guidance for protecting employees who are exposed to injurious corrosive materials. The standard has also been adopted by many governmental organizations and the International Plumbing Code.
Why Standard is Important:
The first 10-15 seconds after exposure to a hazardous substance, especially a corrosive substance, are critical. Delaying treatment, even for a few seconds, may cause serious injury.
This ANSI standard establishes minimum performance and use requirements for eyewash and shower equipment for the emergency treatment of the eyes or body of a person who has been exposed to hazardous materials. It covers the following types of equipment: emergency showers, eyewashes, eye/face washes and combination units.
Key Compliance Requirements:
The standard contains specific language for both showers and eyewashes, including performance, installation, maintenance and training components.
Performance: A means shall be provided to ensure that a controlled flow of flushing fluid is provided at a velocity low enough to be non-injurious to the user.
- Emergency showers shall be capable of delivering flushing fluid at a minimum of 75.7 liters/minute (20gpm) for a minimum of 15 minutes. If shut-off valves are installed in the supply line for maintenance purposes, provisions shall be made to prevent unauthorized shut off.
- Emergency showers shall provide a flushing fluid column that is at least 208.3cm (82in) and not more than 243.8cm (96in) in height from the surface on which the user stands.
- The spray pattern shall have a minimum diameter of 50.8cm (20in) at 152.4cm (60in) above the surface on which the user stands. The center of the spray pattern shall be located at least 40.6cm (16in) from any obstruction. The flushing fluid shall be substantially dispersed throughout the pattern.
Haws Co. Haws® Services is a warranty and service provider for all brands of emergency shower and eye/face wash products to ensure your emergency equipment is ANSI compliant and functioning properly. From startup and commissioning to annual inspections and preventative maintenance, Haws Services’ experts specialize in emergency response equipment.
Haws Services, Haws Co., www.hawsco.com
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