WireCrafters Secure Pallet Rack Enclosures
Secure inventory and the contents of existing pallet racks while preventing inventory shrinkage with WireCrafters Pallet Rack Enclosures. Security officers and loss prevention specialists prefer WireCrafters Style 840 Partitions for securing valuable items in bulk storage or on pallet racks. Existing facility pallet racks can be completely enclosed with standard wire mesh panels and doors to secure and control high value inventory. Modular sized wire mesh panels are quick to install and are inherently stronger than competing pallet rack enclosing systems.
WireCrafters Pallet Rack Enclosures will control access and help prevent theft of your high value inventory items. A complete pallet rack enclosure consists of wire mesh panels on the back, ends, and top of the rack, with access doors on the front side. For more information, visit our website: http://www.wirecrafters.com/products/pallet-rack-safety-systems/pallet-rack-enclosures/
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