Case Studies & White Papers
Breathe Easier: Remove Danger from Gas Emissions with Battery-Powered Solutions
Case Study: How did Boundelle do it? The success story of automating your Contractor Safety Program
Rising OSHA Penalties and How You Can Ensure Safety at The Workplace
ISO 45001, Developing a Culture of Safety Beyond the Boundaries of the Factory
Understanding the IOT business opportunity
Reduce time on site and deploy faster with Prefab Square D IPaCS
Taking the Guesswork Out of Gas Detection
Gas detectors today come equipped with features that not only provide clear information on the instrument status and sensors, but also tell the user how to react when an alarm goes off, taking away any doubt or uncertainty about how to interpret the monitor. This white paper covers new technology that makes gas detection easy for users at all levels.
Using IIot To Improve Safety in Industrial Environments
Most large industrial operations are complex and need to ensure the safety of their employees and comply with industry regulations. In addition to cost savings associated with data analytics from IIoT enabled devices, safety insights are also important to improve outcomes. Learn how to use IIoT devices to collect real-time gas detection data to create a safer site.
Leading Steel Manufacturer Cuts Maintenance Time with iNet Exchange
A world-leading steel and mining company’s plant in Saint-Chély-d’Apcher, France, specializes in producing electrical steel for use in automotive engines. The company’s manual maintenance and repair process for gas detectors was complicated and time-consuming. After undergoing maintenance, gas detectors would not always function properly and sometimes were lost in the process. See how they cut maintenance time with iNet Exchange.
iNet Control Supports Safety Accountability at all Levels
A leading North American chemical manufacturer and long-time Industrial Scientific customer needed to get broader visibility into its safety operations. Over the years, gas detectors at over 20 company sites were replaced on an as-needed basis, resulting in a variety of instruments from different manufacturers, including Industrial Scientific. Learn how iNet Control made a complex gas detection program safe and easy.
Flame Resistant Clothing for the Flash Fire Hazard: Care, Use and Maintenance
Leaders in Material Handling
• Bishamon
• Gorbel
• Herkules Equipment Corporation
• Nilfisk
• Tennsco