Top 6 Loading Dock Trends of 2024
Loading docks are busy places. In the U.S. alone, there were 11.46 billion tons of freight shipped by trucks in 2023, almost all of which came through loading docks.
The constant interaction of humans with machinery like semi-trucks, forklifts, pallet jacks, and AGVs make loading docks one of the most dangerous areas of any facility. These potential risks have only increased as consumer expectations of quick deliveries have ballooned due to the growth of e-commerce—a phenomenon commonly known as “the Amazon effect.”
Given this increased pace of operations, it’s no wonder that almost 25% of all industrial accidents take place in the shipping and receiving zone. In fact, there are approximately 100,000 reported forklift accidents every year.
So what are loading dock personnel and safety managers doing to help decrease risks without hurting productivity? Let’s look at 6 of the top dock safety innovations as we head into 2024.
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