
Guidelines for a Legally Acceptable CAOHC Industrial Hearing Conservation Program

July 6, 2021

By: Robert M. Traynor, Ed.D., MBA, FNAP and Garry G. Gordon, MS, Contributors The Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hearing conservation (CAOHC) is a non-membership organization created in 1973 to collaborate with nine professional organizations that have a common interest in all aspects of occupationally related noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Through the mission to advance…


The Small But Mighty Pallet Jack

July 6, 2021

By: Maureen Paraventi It’s no secret that automation is transforming operations in warehouses, distribution centers, factories and other facilities where large quantities of good are moved from one location to another. Amid all of the complex new systems being rapidly rolled out and adopted, though, is a relatively simple piece of equipment that many companies…


AMRs: The Scalable Solution for Semi-Automated to Full-Scale Industry 4.0 Automation

July 6, 2021

By: Ed Mullen, Contributor Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are increasingly used as the most effective solution when wanting to optimize internal logistics, reduce cost and increase productivity while addressing labor shortages. Despite the turmoil created by the COVID-19 pandemic for most businesses, mobile robots have been singled out by Interact Analysis as one of the…


What AS/RS Solution Is Right for Your Operation?

July 6, 2021

By: Tony Morgott and  RC Paschke, Contributors Since the inception of automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), companies have wondered how they can benefit their operation. Because these systems promise improved utilization of available space and a reduction to the workforce required to manage the inventory, they are very appealing. Pre-COVID-19 forecasts predicted record growth…


Six Steps to Automating Tugging and Other Material Handling Operations

July 6, 2021

By: Mike Harper, Contributor To automate the delivery of lineside supplies, a top-tier automotive manufacturer recently integrated its existing manufacturing conveyers with autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) pulling custom trailers. Not only did this autonomous tugger solution reduce how often employees had to manually lift and move heavy objects, but it eliminated the risk of forklift-related…


Vacuum Technology-Based Palletizing Meets High-Speed Needs

July 6, 2021

By: Andrea Bodenhagen, Contributor With the pandemic-driven ecommerce market growth, changed retail structures continue to drive investment in automated packaging and palletizing. Understanding available tools and grippers is crucial to install a solution that increases efficiency, copes with market needs and enables flexibility and customization. Vacuum technology based gripping solutions play a major role when…


High-Visibility Safety Apparel Standard Updated to Help Ensure Workers are Seen and Protected

June 1, 2021

ANSI/ISEA 107-2020 Addresses Design, Performance and Materials for HVSA PPE By: Cristine Z. Fargo, Contributor As America’s roads and highways age and infrastructure is enhanced and rebuilt, we can expect to see more construction along the roadside in the coming years. In 2018, the public sector spent about $92.5 billion U.S. dollars on highway construction. By…


How Predictive Analytics is Reshaping the Battle Against Serious Injuries & Fatalities

June 1, 2021

By: Sean Baldry, Contributor Another Workers’ Memorial Day came and went on April 28. The event, established in 1970, is intended to raise awareness of the lives lost as a result of occupational accidents, and encourage workers and employers to work together to reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities on the job. But in…


Psychological Safety in the Workplace

June 1, 2021

By: Maureen Paraventi Among the National Safety Council’s (NSC) topics for National Safety Week is one that refers to the importance of feeling psychologically safe on the job as well as physically safe. Harassment, bullying and retaliation on the part of co-workers, supervisors or management are not only detrimental to a worker’s psychological well-being, they’re…


Protecting Visiting Pedestrians from Forklifts

June 1, 2021

By: Brian Colburn, Contributor The definition of pedestrian from the dictionary is “somebody who is traveling on foot, especially in an area also used by vehicles.” Basically, anyone that is not riding on something is considered a pedestrian, so that is pretty simple. As I see it, there are two types of pedestrians: Type 1:…


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